The IZI LLC sponsors SITH® Basic II requirements are set up in our best interest to assist in our personal evolution and development. DIVINITY shows LOVE and CONCERN to assist us in our proper evolution and finding our pathway home…………..Truly a Gift of the I-Dentity and Inner Family.
IZI LLC sponsors SITH® BASIC II REQUIREMENTS: (students must meet all 7 requirements and age requirement of 14 years or older)
1. This class is for those students who have practiced the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class for 2 years. (student to include date of first SITH® class attended to be 2 years from date of Basic II, no exceptions)
2. Students have accepted the system as the way to problem solve.
3. Students must have developed a good working relationship with their triune self, especially with their unihipili.
4. Students must have taken a Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class between 2002 and to date. Basic I class includes Basic I, Business Ho’oponopono or Health Ho’oponopono 2 day classes.
5. The emphasis of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® is on the care of the Triune Self.
6. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class is all that you need to know to apply the Ho’oponopono process.
7. It is the student’s responsibility to determine that they meet the criteria listed above and that they are truly ready to take the Basic II.
IZI LLC sponsors SITH® Basic II Class Description
1. Combined Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process
2. Soul Restoration
3. Advanced quick ways to apply the Ho’oponopono process
4. Mahiki-Cleansing
5. New meditation technique
6. Demands the full acceptance of the triune self
7. Demands the full acceptance of the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process
Registration Requirements for IZI LLC sponsors Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono® Basic II Class
1. Details, location and registration information for each SITH® Basic II training will be posted on the website as the information becomes available.
2. Each SITH® II class registration is handled by the Coordinator for that area.
3. No one will be admitted to a class unless they have paid the fees for the class in full.
4. By registering for the class, students agree to the Disclaimer and Registration Agreement
5. A Review Student for Basic II must have taken a Basic II from 2011 to the present.
6. Class Recordings: IZI LLC has not been approved to teach the SITH® class by recording only. There will be no dual option for a student of attending physically and then receiving the recording. It is up to the student, how much of the class they take or participate in. IZI LLC does not make the recordings available for any students that is unable to attend part of the class.
7. Children birth through 13 years may not attend the Basic II. Children birth through 13 years may be registered and attend only as WWA participants. They must be registered by a student that meets the Basic II Requirements.
8. For Basic II classes, WWA registrant must meet the Basic II requirements to register themselves or another participant for WWA which includes all 7 requirements for Basic II including: This class is for those students who have practiced the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class for 2 years. (student to include date of first SITH® class attended to be 2 years from date of Basic II, no exceptions)